5 Apr 2023
The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) welcomes the publication of a report by the Government’s Offshore Wind Champion Tim Pick, setting out how the sector can work with the Government to speed the development of vital UK offshore wind projects which are necessary to meet the UK’s clean energy targets for 2030 and beyond.
OWIC will now take primary responsibility for delivering on the report’s recommendations, with industry and Government working together to seize the opportunities of offshore wind for the UK’s industrial growth, as well as addressing the challenges that could slow down timely deployment.
Aiming to accelerate offshore wind development so the UK can reach its current target of 50 GW by 2030, the report’s recommendations include:
Reducing the time taken to plan and consent offshore wind farms
Tackling major delays for grid connections that currently deter investment
Reforming the remit of Ofgem to ensure clean energy projects such as offshore wind can be prioritised
Going forward, the recommendations from this report will help define OWIC’s strategy. With a recently refreshed board, OWIC will work hand-in-hand with government to ensure industry targets can be met this decade.
Richard Sandford, Co-Chair of OWIC, said:
“We’re grateful for Offshore Wind Champion Tim Pick’s report and his hard work to help the sector. The report brings new clarity and focus to the challenge of getting clean energy from offshore wind projects flowing into British homes and businesses as quickly as we can. Accelerating the delivery of the UK’s offshore wind ambition helps the UK reach net zero and should provide further opportunities for British industry. Offshore wind must continue to excel at a time when global competition for expertise and resources to plan, invest in, and build has never been greater. The industry stands ready to work with ministers to put the right framework in place to support this.”
The report by the Government’s Offshore Wind Champion Tim Pick is available here.
For further information, please contact:
Sam Willstead, Communications Officer, Offshore Wind Industry Council, RenewableUK. Sam.willstead@renewableuk.com
About OWIC:
The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC), a senior Government and industry forum, was established in May 2013 to drive the development of the world-leading offshore wind sector in the UK. It is comprised of members drawn from the leading UK and global firms in the offshore wind industry, including developers and original equipment manufacturers.