Employee Network, Rakesh Chand, Scottish Power
Launched in September 2019, VIBE Voice of Inclusion and Balanced Ethnicity is an Employee Network group founded and led by ScottishPower employees.
VIBE exists to value, support and create awareness of protected characteristics which are defined within the equality act 2010 (Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin and religion or belief) and the hugely positive role they can have across ScottishPower.
Our mission –
‘To create a truly diverse and open environment that demonstrates and benefits from the highly positive role of ethnic mix of employees at every level that brings greater creativity and innovation to our business now and into the future’
The network is built on core principles, principles that we follow when arranging our annual calendar of activity and events. We have created a safe and confidential environment for members and allies to share with us, whether that be experiences, opinions, concerns and ideas.
A main goal of the network also is work alongside ScottishPower HR on policy to support members professional development not only with new employees that have joined the organisation but also the development of those employees already in the organisation.
Across 2020 VIBE provided support to develop and communicate the company’s position about Black Lives Matter and we held an on-line event about the importance of ethnic role models as part of the celebrations during National Inclusion Week across the UK.
VIBE also launched our ‘Celebrate and Educate’ communication programme, focused on raising awareness about ethnic festivities, explaining their meaning and significance for the employees who celebrate them. VIBE is also highly active in topics such as unconscious bias and professional challenges faced by ethnic minority employees.
Our message to employees and external individuals is come and discover VIBE, learn what we are doing and our messages, be inspired to lead change.